Wednesday 9 April 2008

Man with a plan

More recently I have been very busy getting up to all sorts. I think it is much due to my advance planning of events. I have started to lay out plans of where i will be what i am doing and who i need to meet, in some cases months in advance!

Mid march was Tarun (17-25 year olds) Shibir which was held in Malvern. 75 people came and many people thoroughly enjoyed it. The following week was European Shibir, it was held in Sweden, this was very fun and a lot of planning went into it. There was around 140 people there for the full duration of the camp.

Since I have been back in east London again things are looking busy here too. theres loads going on and the Easter holidays have just begun!

Monday 28 January 2008

Idle days

Time to do personal study and activites has been on the deline, especially in this new year. I have found myself to generally be waking up earlier, having longer and more productive days.

In the new year I have made a plan of action as to everything that I am going to be getting up to and where I will be. This means that because I know where I will be, I can plan my trip to have maximum interactions.

The end of the idle day; where I found that there wasn't much to do during the daytime, has come and gone. Now is the time of planning and action.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

The travelling man

This past week and a half have been what i think are my busiest days so far. It involved a maximum amount of travel to different locations. It was my first full travel experience of the West London area. I felt really tired at the end, but it was very useful and inspiring!

Last week I visited Reading, Slough, Heston, Hounslow and Southall. All the different areas have different characters with varying stories and a different lifestyles, it's amazing that they all get alon so well as well!

As a travelling man, it is important to have a purpose whenever i go somewhere, or do something. I should always go with a direction. It is very easy to become a wonderer if you do not plan things. I also believe that the same can be said for life, we must be travellers and not wonderers.

Saturday 22 December 2007

Speed Demon

London life is very different from the rest of the country, it's fast paced, ever changing and everyone is always in a hurry to get somewhere to do something.

The great thing is that London transport is brilliant, a bus or tube will always come every few minutes. Yet, no matter how fast londoners go, they always seem to be late!

I personally feel like the slowest person in London of all time, yet when i need to be somewhere i'll probably be the first there if i'm travelling on my own!

Monday 26 November 2007

Breaking into houses

I have found that there are some people who know about sangh and what we do, there are others who are unsure. The people who generally know more, are more open and welcome. However it is the unsure people that need to be made more aware.

One thing that i find myself doing is 'breaking into peoples homes'. This is done by me giving a personal introduction and meeting with families more often, before i know it i've become part of the family!

Generally people become very comfortable in life and have a way of doing things, when they become comfortable, they do not need anything or anyone anymore. In order to progress we all need to find something uncomfortable and make it comfortable for ourselves. I am beginning to find peoples homes more comfortable, and i am sure that they are finding my prescence more comfortable too!

Thursday 8 November 2007

Flavour of the month

It's been a month since I started my vistaar. I have been to visit many people, enjoyed deep conversation about lots of things, and generally feel as though I have been welcomed with open arms wherever I have been.

I have made many observations since being in east London. I have found that there is a certain way people in different areas enjoy doing different things. Each area has it's own unique methods and stategies for tackling sangh work.

Friday 2 November 2007

All ears

In the short time i've been in London, i've met many new people and got many new contacts. Everyone that you meet has a weird and wonderful story to tell, and i've found that just listening to them is a skill itself.

Each individual has their own way of communicating. These range from the people who have short simple stories, to the people who have travelled the world over and describe everything with great passion. It's absolutely amazing meeting great characters all the time!

The one type of individual that i haven't met yet is what i like to call an AK47 (Advice Kaka who is generally around 47 years old!) They love to give advice on allsorts and can talk about one point for hours!